Chain Restaurant Employees Break Up with You.
It's a casual Tuesday afternoon and I've perfectly timed my stop at Chipotle - just after the lunch rush but right before I pass out from low blood sugar. I get my usual whatever-diet-I'm-into-at-the-moment burrito bowl with the last $3.57 on my X-mas Chipotle gift card (I should mention that I bought that card myself). As the balance hits a sad zero, Ashley (pictured), who teases me with the occasional free guacamole, tells me she's transferring to another location.
I know deep down it's for the best. She drives over an hour to get here and she’s in her second trimester (It’s a girl which makes her husband happy but she was hoping for a boy). And, if I'm being honest with myself, this was a rebound relationship.
Before Chipotle opened their Brentwood location, it was a Baja Fresh. As a connoisseur of authentic Americanized Mexican midrange food chains, I probably went there more than necessary. Their $1.69 pronto guac kept me alive for a good chunk of 2009. It wasn’t until they closed down (most likely due to my low carb diet) when a withdrawal binge sent me to the Sherman Oaks Baja for a taco fix. I was greeted by a familiar-looking gentlemen who took my order and proclaimed, “Hey, it’s the Brentwood Lady!"
I need to get out more.
Alas, It's been a fond 2 months with Ashley - her freaking the customers out by pretending I'm Emma Stone - it made me feel famous and we all know there’s no better feeling than that. As I request that she toss my empty gift card, she assures me that she’ll be at the Chipotle in Culver City, which is just 2 exits away. I grin and am sincere in my promise to keep in touch, but we all know how long distance relationships go.
What food and beverage significant others do you have?
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